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Pastor Introduction
Born in Clearwater, Florida, Rev. Ross-Lee spent his formative growing up in Saint Petersburg and Hardee County, Florida, where he was the son of a Church of Christ Minister. He graduated High School in Bartow, Florida, after which he spent two years at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Rev. Ross-Lee was enlisted in the United States Army for 3 years, serving mostly at Fort Hood, Texas. Upon Honorable Discharge from the military, Rev. Ross-Lee enrolled in Morehouse College, where he completed an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, cum laude. After working for one year at his alma mater as an Admissions Counselor, Rev. Ross-Lee enrolled in the Harvard University School of Divinity, where he completed his divinity school education and received his Masters Degree.
While a Student at Harvard he served as an intern at the Historic Concord Baptist Church in Boston, and the Hartford Memorial Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan. Upon leaving Cambridge, MA, Rev. Ross-Lee spent an additional year in Detroit at Hartford Memorial as an Assistant to the Pastor for General Ministry.
In September 1993 he was called to the Pastorate of the Gill Creek Baptist Church in Columbia, South Carolina, where he served for 7.9 years. At Gill Creek Rev Ross-Lee ordained as Deacon the first African-American women in the history of the state. While in South Carolina he also served as an instructor and as Campus Minister at Benedict College.
Rev. Ross-Lee accepted the call to the Pastorate of the Immanuel Missionary Baptist Church on March 29, 2001, the oldest African-American Baptist church in the state of Connecticut. Under Rev. Ross-Lee’s leadership Immanuel has taken up a campaign to raise money for the United Negro College Fund by asking each member to give $5.00 each week. This campaign has yielded over $150,000.00 to date.
Rev. Ross-Lee has served as the President of Interfaith Cooperative Ministries in New Haven, Secretary of the Greater New Haven Clergy Association, and as a Commissioner of the New Haven Board of Ethics. He is presently the Board’s Chairperson. He teaches in the Aspirations for Higher Learning summer program for highly motivated High School Students, and serves as an Assistant Coach of the Engineering Science University Magnate School’s (ESUMS) Debate Team.
Rev. Ross-Lee is a proud member or The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Epsilon Iota Iota chapter where he has served as the Chapter’s Chaplain and presently serves as the Chaplain of the 1st District.
He is the father of one child, Naomi Ross Lee.

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