Welcome to Immanuel
The Church Where Christ is Exalted and Culture is Remembered.
We are a body of disciples who understand the power of restoration. If you're in need of a communal relationship with Jesus and to connect with a local Christ-centered, community-minded fellowship, please consider Immanuel as your place of spiritual and communal growth.

Service Timing
Sunday Services
Sunday School 8:30 am
In-Person and Online Worship Service 9:30 am
Children's Service 9:30 am Children's Church on HOLD
During Post-COVID restrictions, worship services will be held back in the sanctuary and via Zoom.
For those who will be calling in:
Dial 1 (929) 205 6099
For those using computers or other devices:
Meeting ID: 361 174 3370 Passcode: 123790
Masks optional - please follow CDC guidance
Regular times:
1st Sunday: Holy Communion
2nd Sunday: Baptismal Service
3rd, 4th, & 5th Sunday: Regular Worship
Wednesday Services
Noon Day Bible Study TBA
Pastor's Bible Study TBA
Saturday Services
Bible Study TBA
Bible study will be held via phone conference once resume. Please call United States:
+1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 799-801-349
Our Faith & Vision





Top Announcements
During Post-COVID-19 restrictions, worship services have resumed and Bible study will be announced soon.
Soup Kitchen will be open from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Ongoing Events
Services to the Community
Food Pantry distribution on the 4th Saturday every month at 8am. Although the time is stated as 8am, the distribution is on a first come first serve basis. We encourage everyone desiring food at this time to please arrive early as possible before the 8am opening. Upon arrival you will receive a number for the distribution until all items are depleted. We thank everyone in advance for their cooperation and understanding.
Stay tuned for updates on distributing hot, packed meals. During Post-COVID-19, meals will be passed at the door. When we return back to church services meals will distributed and eaten in the Fellowship Hall.
Photo Gallery