Diaconate Board of Deacons
The Deacons perform the following duties: serve communion, offer prayer corporately during Sunday morning worship services, minister to the members in times of need, sickness and hospice care.
The Deacons also prepare candidates for baptism and oversees the orientation of new Members.
Evans K Simmons ~ Chairperson
Rose M Hazel~ Vice Chairperson
William Batts
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Judith Bryant
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Irene Jenkins
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Helen Jones
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Naomi Knox
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Dorothy Mewborn
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Willie C. Mewborn
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Cheryl Peagues
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Lois Pollard
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Hazel Taft
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Sarah Teague
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Patricia Turner
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Martha Walker
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Charles Williams
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Sue Williams
I’m a paragraph. Double click me or click Edit Text, it's easy.